Country Music France’s 2023 artist of the year : Gabe Lee

Photo : Brooke Stevens

Country music is for the people, not for any industry. If it’s such an appreciated genre, it’s because country artists write relatable songs, about the real life of American people. A true country artist doesn’t care for any codes. What will make his success is his skill when it comes to mix storytelling and roots music and sing with emotion and authenticity about life, love, joyfulness, pain or death.

What makes Gabe Lee such a brilliant artist is this impressive skill that we’re talking about but also the originality of his stories and the way he sings with such emotion and sensibility. “Drink The River“, released in July 14th of 2023, is his fourth studio album, and the truth is that he’s getting better and better, since he started with his debut “Farmland” in 2019.

I was just blown away, listening to this wonderful album, with masterful songwriting and impressive bluegrass-leaning production. Gabe Lee’s music is the quintessence of country and listening to him, we know why we love this genre so much. The way that he sings his new version of “Eveline” or the beautiful “Drink The River” is so impressive.

Gabe Lee is Country Music France’s 2023 artist of the year for the excellence and deep originality of his songwriting, for the unique way he sings and for the impressive quality of his music. Thank you, Mister Gabe Lee, for letting us appreciate, one century after its foundation, the beauty of country music.

Nicolas Davelu

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